Saturday, December 12, 2009


A lot of things seem to be changing in my life...Mostly for the good!

God is really revealing things to me that need to be changed in my life! I've been kind of overwhelmed with how many things He has been showing me but I guess its all about one thing..and one step at a time :) God is so mighty and has shown me so much grace...

My prayer is that this change continues through the rest of my life...and that I really embrass it!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


For the past few weeks I've been feeling really hopeless...I don't know what it is but I feel like everything I try or touch just ends up ruined... I hate feeling this way but I guess its a part of life and we all go through our ups and downs. I feel like I've been having more downs than ups recently...

It seems as though I tend to reach for things that are unobtainable..haha leave it to me to think I can accomplish, have, or even to just desire these unobtainable things!

I know I cannot do this alone...I know I cannot rest on myself but I have to rest and rely on God...and I know my God is a big God who wants me to desire big things..and wants me to strive for things that I myself will fail at but HE CAN accomplish...but its so hard for me (and I know I'm not alone on this) to trust that God WILL come through...

I have a problem and it seems to be on repeat...and I don't know where the stop button is so I can push it...

I have this sadness/anger inside of me that seems to always be hidden...and I cannot find the root of it to get it out...maybe its just ME that is the problem...maybe I just need to let go of ME and see what happens...but I'm terrified...because what will happen when I let go?

I just want to SCREAM!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Fallin' Completely (Original)

This is a song I wrote just because I was in a really sappy lovey dovey mood...Someday this song will be for my husband but until then...all of you couples get to share it!!! Its a very simple/plan song but I really enjoy it!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Whirl Wind...

It's been a while since I have written a blog post. Actually almost a year which is crazy!

There has been so much going on in my life since a year ago! God has been refining me, molding me, catching me, a pushing me in the right direction.

God has brought new friends in my life that have been such a huge blessing in my life. He has also taken away "friends" that I didn't need to have in my life. One thing I love about God is that He is always looking out for us (me)!

It's funny....When I think God isn't moving in my life...when I think He has just decided to give up on me...when I think He some how just forgot that I'm here waiting for Him...He shows up...not in the ways I necessarily want him to but in the ways I mostly need Him to!!! What a sovereign God I serve!

Now that I've started it off with that here is what is new in my life:

First I will tell you what's going on musically in my life...
I was recording with this guy that is married to one of the attorney's I work for. Well things were going great I was recording with him every Saturday for a few months and was getting major progress. All of a sudden he stopped answering my texts and calls...I was being really patient and understanding as his wife was pregnant at the time and he was working 50 hours a week...But I needed to get the project done...So I ended up talking to another guy that owns a recording studio his name is Joe and he is such a great guy! He loves the Lord...I was asking him about recording at his studio but it was going to cost more money than what I had and I just lost $500.00 to Chris. So I told Joe I would think about it...Well it seems as though God was at work...a friend of mine Jesse (who I was really only acquaintances with at that time) was running sound at my friend Josh and his band's concert...Jesse and I ended up hanging out and talking a little bit...we started talking more and I told him about my recording situation...He told me he had his own studio and I could come by and check it out sometime...I was super excited...So I went to the studio...I had so much fun and felt very comfortable with Jesse and he seemed excited to work with me...So now I've been working with Jesse once a week since September...We've been going over my songs and refining them to get them exactly how we imagine them to be. He is a musician/song writer as well so its awesome to get his creativity as well as mine....Jesse is a very intellectual thinker and I'm a very simple thinker which makes things incredibly amazing because we have two totally different perspectives on song writing and when we collaborate together it ends up coming out pretty awesome...It's really awesome working with someone that believes in the music that God has put in have them encourage you and push you because they know that God has given you this gift that needs to be heard...I may not always believe in myself...or God for that matter...but God always seems to put people in your life that push you just the way that you need to be pushed! I'm so grateful for the ways that God has provided for me may not be the way that I had imagined or hoped for always ends up better in the long run!!

Second here is what's going on work wise....
Well it's been a little crazy with work just in this last week...A lot has gone on just with people having to leave and others of us picking up the slack...I've been given a pretty awesome opportunity to learn new things at work while we are looking for people to fill positions that have been left to fill...God is opening the door for me and I'm taking a leap through hoping and praying that this works out...I'm not sure if this is just an opportunity for now or if it will be a promotion for me (I'm really praying for the promotion)...but we will see what happens...I'm really having to rely on God daily to be my strength and to get me through the day...With learning so many new things..and having to really step it up..its draining at times...but SOOOOOOOO exciting!

Third I'm just really excited about everything in my many changes and so many things just to look forward to! I'm really finding contentment in where God has me...there are a lot of things that are just up in the air and I'm really okay with that...its crazy to finally be at a place of peace, hope, trust, and just where I can breath knowing that God is my every breath!

So thats pretty much the gist of what is going on my life as of lately!